Negative Calorie DietYou all know carrots, I'm sure. That long orange icicle shaped veggie? And you probably know that carrots can help to improve your eyesight, but are you aware of the other health benefits of eating carrots? Well, you're about to find out.
Carrots are very high in beta-carotene. This is the compound that gives carrots their color, and helps to improve your vision. In the body, the beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A. The vitamin A, in turn is converted into a purple pigment called rhodopsin, which causes the light sensing areas of the retina to be more effective.
Beta-carotene is also an antioxidant, which helps to eliminate free radicals, which can damage the cells, and lead to cancer. Carrots also contain alpha-carotene, which is also a free radical fighting antioxidant. Studies show that men with high levels of alpha-carotene have lower incidence of lung cancer.
Carrots also contain carotenoids, which help to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Studies have shown that people who have at least one serving of carrots and/or squash (also high in carotenoids) had a lower risk of heart attacks that people with less than one serving per day. Other studies have shown that carotenoids also lead to a lower risk of many types of cancer. Even one carrot a day may be effective in cutting the risk of lung cancer in half. Foods such as carrots, which are high in carotenoids may also be beneficial in helping to regulate blood sugar.
Vitamin A rich foods, like carrots, may reduce emphysema. Some research indicates that a vitamin A deficiency may lead to emphysema, so consuming foods with vitamin A will help to prevent this deficiency.
We know carrots as being orange, but they also come in red, white, yellow, and even purple. When buying carrots, look for smooth, straight vegetables, with a strong, orange color. The deeper orange the carrot, the more beta carotene it contains. Avoid cracked, or rubbery carrots. The larger the carrot, the sweeter. This is due to the fact that the sugars are concentrated in the core of the carrot, and larger carrots naturally have larger cores.
Carrots are actually more nutritious when cooked. The beta-carotene is trapped by the fiber in the carrots, making it more difficult for your body to use. Cooking them releases the beta-carotene from the fibers, allowing the body to absorb it more easily. Juicing a carrot will break down the fibers, and release the beta-carotenes as well, and make them more available for the body. Juicing is also beneficial, since raw carrots are best for the negative calorie effect.
2 Tbsp butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 Tbsp prepared mustard
1/4 tsp salt
3 cups sliced carrots, cooked and drained
Melt the butter over medium heat in a large skillet. Add the brown sugar, mustard, and salt, and stir to combine.
Turn the heat to medium low, and add the carrots, stirring constantly for 5-8 minutes, until heated through.
Transfer the carrots to a bowl, and serve hot.
Negative Calorie Diet